Our January 22nd Day Trip is Cancelled

smiley g366211a12 1280Last night our board made the difficult decision to cancel our January 22nd Day Trip.  With the current rise in covid cases we feel it would be irresponsible to hold the event on the 22nd.   We are still hoping to hold our Tom Gorin Memorial 3 Day event  on February 26th to 28th.  If you are planning to ski or guide, and haven’t turned in your application yet, please do so now.  A final decision on the 3 Day Event will be made on January 31st and will be dependent on covid numbers turning around.   Watch this website for updates!

About Edie

I am a 72 year old female webmaster, avid cross country skier, kayaker and mountain biker. I do what I love and love what I do!
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