Winter 2025 Day Trip and Three Day Event Dates Are Set for February 8th and March 8th-10th!

IMG 3260 1 e1552480154313Fall is in the air!  It is time to start thinking of winter ski events!  Our Day Trip and new Guide Training is set for Saturday, February 8th and our annual Three Day Event will be March 8th -10th.  Mark your calendars!  Both are planned to be held at Tahoe Donner Adventure Center.  Go to the Skier Page to access the Skier Application and information. You can also go to the Guide or Volunteers pages to access the Guide and Volunteer Application.

About Edie

I am a 72 year old female webmaster, avid cross country skier, kayaker and mountain biker. I do what I love and love what I do!
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